The overlay is pure HTML/CSS/JavaScript, so it can easily be modded and themed any way you like. The black areas in the image are actually transparent. DETAILS Stream Overlayĭisplay an overlay in your preferred streaming software such as OBS or XSplit that lets the viewers visualize the giveaways real-time as they happen. Winning a giveaway resets that viewer's BLP. These points build up, eventually guaranteeing a win. Viewers earn BLP points each time they enter a giveaway and don't win, thus increasing the odds of winning the next one. Give your viewers a reason to stick around and keep coming back to collect those BLP points! How does it work?
Tired of seeing the same people win your giveaways every time? Bad Luck Protection rewards the loyal people with an increasing chance to win, yet still leaving room for new comers to win as well. Giveaway Bot for Twitch & Kick - Bad Luck Protection (BLP) Why do you need Bad Luck Protection?